No one likes rejection. It’s our human nature to want acceptance. So, it’s no surprise we would feel lousy, at first, if we get rejected for a job. It’s especially difficult if we don’t know why we were rejected. However, you can bounce back better than ever before after you hear the dreaded “no.” Here are 5 tips to help you get back on your feet and plow ahead on your job search.

Realize This May Not Have Anything to Do With You

It’s normal to take things personally. We are human and rejection can sting. It may seem like the “no” was a personal indictment of your skills, experience, or even your personality. The fact is it probably had nothing to do with you as a person. According to a Forbes article, many applicants are rejected simply because the screener thought some small detail was super important (or not important) and marked them off the list. For example, maybe you have the skills, but you had worked in a different industry. The interviewer may not be able to understand how applicable your skills are to their industry. There are many different reasons people get rejected for the job that has nothing to do with their skills or experience.

You Are Not Alone

This may seem like a cliché but there’s a lot of truth to this statement. Many famous and successful people faced much negativity before they went on to success. Walt Disney was once told he “lacked imagination.” Elvis once performed at the Grand Ole Opry and the manager there said he’d be better off going back to his trucking job. Countless other well-known people have been fired, failed, or rejected before they went on to become successful. You may be on the verge of landing the position that will lead you closer to your dreams.

Think Positively

Sometimes the negative things that happen in life really turn out to be positive. For example, Abraham Lincoln tried and failed at several businesses, but as we all know he went on to become the president of the United States. What if he had been successful at one of his businesses? There is a strong possibility he would never have thought about seeking public office and consequently not went on to become the president. You never know how a rejection for one job may lead you to a much better opportunity down the road.

Reassess Your Goals

Now may be a good time to reassess your goals. Are you heading in the direction that you want to go? Are you following your passions and dreams for success? Not everyone can be famous but we can choose a career that we enjoy and one for which we are suited. Do your goals align with your skills and experience? In other words, if your goal is to get a job in accounting, do you have the necessary skills to do the job? If you feel there is a lack somewhere in your job skill set, then find ways you can fill the gap. Check out online classes and training opportunities to help strengthen your skills.

Get Help

There’s no reason you have to face the challenges of job hunting alone. You can partner with staffing specialists who are equipped to guide you through the process. When you work with a staffing agency you have the benefit of an objective viewpoint. In addition, they are connected with many businesses — one of which may be just right for you. Tapping into their expertise and network of connections provides you with more opportunities.

Learn More About What to Do After You Are Rejected

For more tips to aid you in your job search, contact Bishop & Company today!