
3 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of LinkedIn

Every social media platform has something that makes it special. Twitter has its short-form posts that go up like flares, then fade just as quickly. Tumblr is a collection of microblogs, each with their own, special page. Facebook is where you go to keep in touch with friends and family, and it provides dozens of [...]

2020-02-05T19:34:59+00:00June 26th, 2017|Career Tips, Job Search Tips, Resume Tips|

Make Your Resume Shine

The perfect resume is a well-crafted document that will make it past the scrutiny of an ATS (applicant tracking system) and get you the all-important interview that will move your career in the right direction. Here are some quick resume tips to help you present yourself in the best light possible.  Keep Formatting Simple Fonts do matter. Select one that [...]

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