The days and weeks of uncertainty following a seemingly successful interview can take a toll. While waiting for a decision is difficult, many people are reluctant to contact a hiring manager after an interview because they fear being perceived as annoying, desperate, or unprofessional. You may need to know that dropping the ball after a successful interview often results in missed opportunities. It’s important to know when and how to communicate with prospective employers. Whether you are waiting for the next phase of the interview process or an offer of employment, it’s a good idea to keep the lines of communication open. 

Communication Should Begin Shortly After Your Interview

While it was once common practice to mail a thank-you letter after an interview, times have changed. Communications sent by mail could reach your intended contact too late in the process or be treated as unsolicited mail.

Since unexpected phone calls could catch your interviewer off guard, a simple email is considered the better option. From an interviewer’s perspective, an expression of gratitude after an interview is an indication of good manners and professional conduct. When communicating after the interview:

  1. Include your first and last name or title of the interviewed position in the subject line
  2. State the purpose of your email in the subject line
  3. Address your interviewer by name
  4. Keep your paragraphs short and concise, no more than three or four sentences
  5. Keep all your correspondence brief and to the point
  6. Provide your phone number and links to your portfolio or online resume
  7. Proofread to check your grammar and spelling
Crafting an Expression of Your Appreciation

Within the first 24 hours after your interview, you should consider sending a brief thank you note to the person who took the time to include you in their company’s interview process. Consider including the following:

  1. The first name of the person conducting your interview
  2. Your name and the title of the position you interviewed for
  3. A brief expression of your gratitude for the interviewer’s time
  4. A confirmation of your interest in the position
  5. Any relevant details that confirm your qualifications for the position

When crafting your note, it is important to keep the tone friendly and conversational, but let your personality shine through. It is acceptable to ask the employer to keep you informed of the status of their hiring processes. You could also invite them to contact you if they have any additional questions regarding your qualifications.

If you did not discuss the anticipated time frame of the selection process before concluding your interview, your “thank you” email is the perfect opportunity to confirm your interest and ask when you can expect to be contacted. 

Initiating Contact Without Becoming a Nuisance

While it may feel awkward to contact a hiring manager or recruiter after a period of silence, it’s important not to assume that a position you interviewed for has been filled. Interviewers and decision-makers typically have a lot of responsibilities in addition to making hiring decisions; you never know what types of setbacks they may have encountered.

If an anticipated “hear by” date was specified during your interview, wait until that date has passed before initiating further communicating. If your interviewer specified a decision within two weeks, wait until day 15 before sending a second email. When that date has passed, you are free to contact your interviewer again. Keep your language simple and professional. Your “after the deadline” email should include:

  1. A friendly greeting by name
  2. The reminder of the title of the position you interviewed for
  3. Reiteration of the anticipated date that was mentioned at the close of the interview
  4. Acknowledgment that you are still interested in the position
  5. An offer to provide any information that could assist in the decision-making process

Keep in mind that some positions remain unfilled for weeks, sometimes even months, after the interviews have been completed. If this is the case, it is acceptable to continue the conversation on a weekly basis, but no more frequently unless you are instructed otherwise.

Contacting Hiring Managers When You Receive Another Offer

If you receive a job offer while waiting for the results of an interview, it is appropriate to contact your interviewer to keep them updated on your availability. Communicating with an interviewer before accepting an offer of employment gives the hiring manager the opportunity to make an offer before you accept a position elsewhere. If you receive an offer of employment but still have your hopes set on a company you interviewed with, consider including the following in your correspondence.

  1. The recruiter’s name and a friendly greeting
  2. The specific title of the position you interviewed for
  3. A politely crafted notification that you have been offered a position with another company
  4. An indication that you are willing to turn down the offer if you are still under consideration
  5. An indication that you would prefer to be notified of a final decision before accepting

It is also appropriate to inform the recruiter if you accept an offer of employment. The purpose of the interview follow-up is twofold, to let the employer know you are interested in the position, or to put an end to your uncertainty. If you learn that you are no longer being considered for a job, the person who conducted the interview may still prove to be a future ally.

Learn More about Communicating After the Interview

Even if you are convinced you have interviewed with the perfect company for your talents, don’t give up applying elsewhere. For employment opportunities in Hawaii, contact us today. We specialize in connecting applicants and with employers throughout the Hawaiian Islands across a wide range of industries.

For more tips on truly impressing recruiters at your next job interview, check out this blog post.