
Show You Care: 9 Well-Thought-Out Christmas Gifts for Your Staff

The joy of the holidays is not just celebrated with our friends and families at home, but with our work families as well. If you manage a workforce, it's the perfect time to appreciate your colleagues and employees. A giving employer shows the team they really care. Gifts boost employees' morale, regardless of the [...]

2022-12-13T20:27:56+00:00December 12th, 2022|Holiday Spirit, Office Fun|

Quiet Quitters: Fire or Keep? 8 Tips for Managing Quiet Quitting

When watching for signs of burnout, a quiet quitter is a red flag. Quiet quitting has always been a problem in the workforce, but since the pandemic, the matter has become a rising priority for modern managers. A quiet quitter is someone who does the minimum required to keep their job and no more. [...]

2022-11-02T01:52:29+00:00November 1st, 2022|Company Culture|

Business as Usual Is Not So Usual Anymore: Cater to the New Normal With a Flexible Work Environment

A woman sips her morning coffee as she walks into the office. A habit she has honed after years of doing the same thing every morning of every weekday. She sits down to work in the same office, at the same desk, around all the same people from 8 in the morning to 5 [...]

2022-10-06T01:46:49+00:00October 5th, 2022|Company Culture|

Burnout and Limited Autonomy: What You Can Do to Get Free – Pt 2

[Continued from "Burnout and Limited Autonomy: What You Can Do to Get Free - Pt 1"] Tunnel Vision Burnout: You Can't See the Way Out The last kind of burnout caused by a lack of autonomy can happen to anyone. Your routine gets the better of you and you really do start doing the [...]

2022-10-05T22:51:06+00:00September 6th, 2022|Company Culture|

Burnout and Limited Autonomy: What You Can Do to Get Free – Pt 1

Humans are not machines. If you pull the exact same lever the exact same way for months, you will get a repetitive stress injury in your arm and shoulder. The same is also true of your brain. You don't eat exactly the same thing for breakfast every day. You don't wear the same shirt every day or watch [...]

2022-10-05T22:41:18+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Company Culture|

Finding and Retaining Top Talent in the Post-COVID World

The American job market is at a crossroads. According to the Washington Post, there are currently more than 10 million job openings across the United States but only 8 million active job seekers. For the first time in decades, power is in the hands of the applicants, and they can afford to be choosy. While autonomy [...]

2021-10-19T23:48:10+00:00October 19th, 2021|Company Culture|

How to Be the Change You Want to See in Workforce Diversity

Be the change you want to see in the world. This is a common motivational saying that we wholeheartedly agree with for the hiring industry. The available workforce currently job-hunting rarely matches role-demand perfectly. There will always be more entry and mid-level professionals when you're hiring for leads. There will always be more majority demographic [...]

2021-09-22T20:37:20+00:00September 22nd, 2021|Company Culture|

Keeping Your Company Culture Alive During the Age of Remote Work

Right now there are millions of professionals working from home. Many are rebuilding their teams and their entire workflow during this work-at-home global event. After the challenge of building a remote network and establishing a diaspora of home offices, companies are facing a new hurdle. How can you maintain the company culture through a remote [...]

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