
How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your opportunity to make a great, first impression on your potential employer. As such, you'll want to put great effort into getting it right. However, you also want to make sure it is short and to the point. Here are a few tips for creating a perfect cover letter. Decide on [...]

2020-02-04T23:45:32+00:00December 27th, 2016|Career Tips, Interview Tips, Job Search Tips, Resume Tips|

Career Phases — Bouncing Back From a No

It might sound strange to think of employment rejection as one of the career phases. However, anyone who works for a length of time, eventually understands that hearing "no" from a prospective employer is all part of the process of moving up the ladder of career success. Strategic Moves Bouncing back from a "no" is [...]

2020-02-04T23:34:40+00:00December 5th, 2016|Career Tips, Interview Tips, Job Search Tips, Resume Tips|

Is It Time For A Career Change? Resignations & Resumes

No matter what the reason is for resigning, your letter reflects on you as a professional and a person. Whether you love the company you are leaving or you cannot fathom a scenario in which you would ever walk through the doors again, there's no need to burn bridges. Here are a few tips for [...]

2020-02-04T23:33:00+00:00November 28th, 2016|Career Tips, Employer Policy, Job Search Tips|

Fantastic Job Qualities of the Seasoned Professional

Are you a baby boomer that still has a passion for working? Do you like to keep your mind and body stimulated with the tasks involved with being in the workforce? Does age or society try to dictate that it’s time to retire, yet your heart says otherwise? If this sounds like you, then you [...]

2020-02-04T23:25:31+00:00November 14th, 2016|Job Search Tips, Recruiting Top Talent|

The Financial Benefits of Hiring A Veteran

Hiring a veteran is a beneficial proposition for any business because veterans have been tested for multiple years in a high-stress environment that no civilian workplace can compare with and they are hard working and committed employees. You're nearly always getting a dependable employee when you hire a vet, and it's good to be aware that there are some potential tax and financial benefits from hiring a veteran.

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